Monday, April 21, 2008

Engagement Ceremony

We decided to start a new tradition and have an “engagement ceremony,” so that my mom could participate in our union while she’s feeling well. Our engagement ceremony was a huge success; we had a wonderful day in our backyard in the (breezy) sunshine!

Grammy gave us a ceremonial gift, a little house that she had given her late husband for their wedding. We read poetry by Shelley & Rilke, JP's siblings played beautiful songs which were so sweet. JP played There will Never Be Another You, which we learned together in high school jazz combo. D played trumpet while A sang a love poem about the sea mollusk, then E & R played Nancy's Waltz on flute & guitar as the ceremony came to an end.

My friend Carz who is a chef in Bodega Bay & in culinary school in Santa Rosa catered. To start we had salad, bruschetta, & my dad's potato salad, then for the main course we had vegetable pesto lasagna and golden beets with grilled asparagus in cabbage bowls. For dessert we had angel food cake with berries and freshly whipped cream that R made using her secret recipe.

It felt great to be both literately and figuratively surrounded and supported by JP's family and my parents, a local community that is behind us & our marriage.

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